Wednesday, January 4, 2017

In My Wildest Dreams

There is so much I want to do and explore but I feel like I don't have enough lifetimes to do everything I dream about. Because different parts of me want to do different things and depending on what is inspiring me at that moment will change what my dream would be. The professional and academic side of me wants to go to college and eventually go into the medical field as a doctor or EMT. This is also the dream I have had since middle school. My middle school self always wanted to be a doctor and to help people and who thought school was everything and that everything art related was only a hobby and not that important. This was the dream I would tell everyone, my family, friends, school counselors/administrators, applications, etc. But recently(recently as in as of freshman year of high school), art and music became a major part of my life and I started believing that maybe I could make a career out of art. I've always been interested in art and I've tried so many different types of art, like the fine arts(painting, drawing, etc), cinema makeup(like monster movie makeup), and now fashion design. So now my branches of options expanded even more of what I could do with my life from medicine to sports all the way to designing clothes. When people are told they could pretty much do whatever they wanted, usually people are excited because they have the option of literally doing anything. Okay, I don't want to sound conceited or anything(even though saying that makes me sound it anyway so moving on) but I'm good at everything. I'm not even kidding, I am good at everything. Not great like "OMG I'M THE BEST IN THE WORLD" only...good. Nothing stands out which makes it really tough to decide what to do with my life. I want to know what I should do which sounds bad because you should decide your own life. But lately I just want someone to straight up tell me that I should do _______. If I could do everything that I've ever wanted or thought about doing, this is how I would want my life to go. First, I would go to college and play college hockey, then I would get my degree and become a paramedic. Do that for a few years and eventually get asked if I wanted to go to Africa and help the villages there. I would spend a few years there helping people to get the care they needed all while learning French(French is very common in Africa next to Swahili). Then, I would drop everything and move to L.A. where I would go and become apprenticed at a tattoo shop. After I became an established tattoo artist after a good decade or so and gained a bit of a following, I would branch out and start a clothing line. I would release my first collection and after it lands and trends, I would move my tattoo shop to France and since I learned French while in Africa, it would be all good. This would gain my more of a following with my tattooing and my clothing that I would start to be asked to do commercials promoting products or whatever and TV shows and movies would use my clothes for their shows costumes. Then I would move to New York(because I love NY) and get a nice apartment in the city while flying frequently to L.A. for the commercials and movies. Later, at an interview, I would throw out that I was a huge fan of The Walking Dead and that I actually used to do cinema makeup for fun. Robert Kirkman(author of The Walking Dead comics) would then approach me later saying he was making a spin off The Walking Dead and that he would love for me to appear as a zombie in it and that I could be trained by the makeup crew and could design my own zombie look and how I would die and who would kill me(first choice would be Daryl but this is a spin off so he probably wouldn't be there). After appearing on the spin off, I would get a holographic email/telepathic message(this is the future) from Bill Corso(makeup artist for Star Wars) saying that he saw my design for my zombie look and would love for me to work with him as a concept designer for an up and coming Star Wars movie. We create a bunch of aliens and creatures to appear in the background and one of the companions of the main character. Since I fulfilled my dreams of being a part of the best TV show/movies ever and making a lot of bank as well. I could use the money to travel the world

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