Thursday, August 25, 2016

In your opinion, does wearing school uniforms increase learning? reduce violence? reduce stereotyping and prejudice? Support your answer with specific examples.

To be completely honest, I really don't care if school uniforms increase academic learning because I just in general don't like school uniforms. It's fine if you do because of the whole convenience part of not having to pick out an outfit for school every morning, but for me, picking my outfit for the day is the one thing I like about going to school. But to answer the question, I would say school uniforms don't increase learning in schools. If you get distracted by what someone wears then that's your problem. Especially the whole school dress code for schools(don't even get me started on the exposed shoulders and shorts/skirt length rules).

I don't know if I have an opinion on if school uniforms reduce violence. I mean if people want to beat each other up then they'll beat each other up, regardless of their clothing. Usually it's the personality behind the clothes that makes them get beat up not the clothes themselves. School uniforms might help with reducing gang related by making all the students wear the same school colors, but students find tons of loopholes in dress codes all the time, even with schools who have uniforms. I'm probably not the best person to be asked this question anyway because I avoid all confrontation.

Stereotyping and prejudice is just something that will always be there no matter how much people try to eliminate it. Some idiot will say something dumb about another person because of their race, sexual orientation, religion, and/or gender because those people just enjoy negative attention. People like that we will never be rid of. I'm all for expressing yourself through clothing and I don't really care if people stereotype me or judge me because of what I wear. I like my outfit and I like how I look in my outfit so why should I care what you think sort of thing(unless it's a compliment because that is very kind and thank you so much). Again with the whole people will find something about you to pin point and drag even if it isn't about your clothes. This is the only question where it's all up to you as a person. If the bullying or slurs get too overwhelming and you feel that school uniforms might reduce any of it because you can blend in more easily, then go for it. So I guess school uniforms might help a little bit with reducing stereotypes based on what you wear, but then people will just find something else about you. A never ending cycle. I say, if people are going to judge you anyway, might as well make it a bang and put on a bomb outfit(see what I did there) that you love and just go with it.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to disagree I think school uniforms are awful
